Hi, I’m Penny. Do you want to see something cool? Look down. There is a tiny world on the ground.
I watch the ants go up a hill. It looks fun. I wish I were tiny too.
Learning Objective: Children will identify and discuss setting and perspective in a story.
Hi, I’m Penny. Do you want to see something cool? Look down. There is a tiny world on the ground.
I watch the ants go up a hill. It looks fun. I wish I were tiny too.
Oh, look! A dandelion puff.
I make my wish.
Am I in a forest? No. These are not trees. They are blades of grass. My wish worked!
Now I can go up the ant hill. I march with the ants. One, two, three, four!
I race with a snail. There’s the finish line. I win!
I buzz with the bees.
They come to see me on a yellow flower.
This puddle is the size of a pond. How will I get across?
I find a big leaf. Perfect! I sail across the puddle. I wave to every bug I see.
Yikes! Is that a spider over there? I had better get out of here. I do not want to end up in its web!
I’ve been having so much fun. I want to rest. But where is that spider now?
Another dandelion puff!
I can make another wish. I will have to climb up to get to the puff.
I hope this works. I close my eyes and make a wish.
Whoa! I’m big again!
I’m glad I’m big. But I can still watch my tiny world on the ground.
About the Story
English Language Arts Focus
Setting; perspective
Whole Group; Small Group
Pairings and Text Connections
Suggested Reading Focus
After-Reading Skills Practice
Extension Writing Activity
Skills: Main Idea (15 minutes)