Meet a bird.
Her name is Gert. Chirp, chirp.
Time to find a home!
Read a silly story filled with decodable and r-controlled vowel words.
Meet a bird.
Her name is Gert. Chirp, chirp.
Time to find a home!
Jose A. Bernat Bacete/Getty Images
So Gert went to a farm.
Flap, dart, twirl, fly!
First, Gert saw a barn.
But a herd of cows was in it.
This was NOT a home for a bird.
Next, Gert saw a car that did not work. It was full of dirt.
This was NOT a home for a bird.
Jose A. Bernat Bacete/Getty Images
Then, Gert saw a field of corn.
Who was that tall girl in the corn?
This was NOT a home for a bird.
Gert flew up, up, up to a perch. Now she could see far.
Did Gert spot a home?
No! But she did like her perch.
That gave Gert a smart idea.
She got some sticks, grass, and yarn.
Sort, weave, twirl, pack!
Gert made a nest on the perch.
This WAS a home for a bird!
Surprise! Gert laid two eggs.
Out came Bert. Out came Herb.
Gabriel Chalmeta/500px/Getty Images
More About the Article
Phonics and phonological awareness (r-controlled vowel words), Fluency
R-controlled vowel words
bird, chirp, twirl, first, dirt, girl, barn, car, farm, dart, far, smart, yarn, her, Gert, Bert, Herb, perch, work, corn, for, sort
to, this, was, she, saw
field, idea, weave, surprise, laid
Small Group
Pairs, Independent Reading
Mini Phonics Lesson (15 minutes)
Set a Purpose for Reading (3-5 minutes)
Reading Focus: Phonological Awareness (10 minutes)